I’m tired of traveling. It seems no matter where I go, whatever the distance, it essentially takes a day of travel before beginning to settle into a new place. In SE Asia, travel days can be far from perfect. Instead of starting over
Tag: Vietnam

It was the first night in humongous Ho Chi Minh. I was adrift when it hit me: The phone’s battery is losing its juice really fast. It was almost 10 p.m. I was equipped with a fresh SIM card, but no battery juice

Once in a while I get the question: What’s your favorite country? My answer has typically been:, the exact place I was in, or the last new country I had drifted to. Sheer newness elevates optimism. Fresh surroundings breed content and enhanced excitement.

While Vietnam’s coffee allure may have pushed me into consuming more caffeine than ever, it also nudged me to give it up, at least for the last 19 days. I have no immediate intention on stopping this cold-turkey endeavor. Still, the abstinance could

I awoke at 4:15 a.m. I don’t want to deal with electronics at that hour. It’s a deal I’ve made with myself. Although the habitual thought loomed, I observed it, and let it slip away. Psychological win! Mostly, the only thing mindful was

Wide sidewalks, yet long blocks, make Danang a pleasant alternative to Hanoi’s cluttered streets and practically endless buzzing traffic. Hanoi’s Old Quarter thrives in organized chaos while Danang seems to prosper without this potentially-perceived pandemonium. Danang has a wide, luxuriously-long, soft-sandy beach. It