I had made it all the way from Medellín to Mocoa, which led me to the Fin-del-Mundo (End-of-the-World) waterfall in the Colombian Amazon. Near there, smack, dab in the jungle, I stayed at the Posada Fin del Mundo, where I felt like the
Tag: Colombia

I find myself back on the US east coast thinking about an earth drifting destination. Here, costs could be too high to sustain for elongated time, without engaging in a potential work-a-lot-for-a-little scenario. A situation could entail a lot of toiling, while allowing

In my poly-continental opinion, Colombia is one of the most desirable drifting destinations on the world map today. Nature seekers are mesmerized by its varied altitudes and long, rugged coastlines. The vast and ever-changing interior boasts both fairy-tale and other-planetary-looking landscapes. This unprecedented

When the wellness word optimism comes up in an English class, I like to make time to teach it. It’s a positively potent piece of vocabulary for a person’s arsenal. It can generate solid discussion and aid in promoting well being, while helping